Sunday, June 22, 2008

Electrochemistry I

Redox processes
Redox processes can be defined in terms of electron transfer. Oxidation is defined as the loss of electrons. Reduction is defined as the gain of electrons. Redox process can also be defined in terms of changes in oxidation number. Oxidation is defined as an increase in oxidation number and reduction is defined as a decrease in oxidation number.

Standard electrode potential
The standard electrode potential of a half cell is defined as the potential of that half cell relative to a standard hydrogen electrode under standard conditions. The standard conditions are: all solutions have a concentration of 1M. Any gases involved have a pressure of 1 atm. The temperature is 298K.

Standard cell potential
Standard cell potential is the potential of the cell under standard conditions mentioned above.

Description of the standard hydrogen electrode
The standard hydrogen electrode consists of hydrogen gas at 1atm and 25 degrees Celsius bubbling around a platinum electrode. The electrode is immersed in 1M solution of H+ ions.

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