Saturday, June 7, 2008

Aim of this blog

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The aim of this blog is help help students score well in the A level Chemistry examinations. I feel that one of the best ways to score well in exams is to familiarize yourself with past year exam questions. By doing past year exam questions, it stimulates your thinking. Also as you do more questions, you will begin to understand how examiners think and what are the important things to remember.

Thus, I will be providing full solutions to past year exam questions. I will also post some comments on the questions and also some common mistakes that students make. I will update the blog every weekend. If you have any chemistry questions, please leave a comment and I will try to answer them as soon as possible.

Examination is something everyone has to go through. It is quite sad that some people lose faith in themselves because they dont do well in exams. I hope that through this blog, students who ware willing to put in some effort to study will be able to do reasonably well in the Chemistry A level exam.

Initially this blog was written with Singaporean Junior college students in mind. However I think that students from other countries who are taking the Chemistry A level examinations will also benefit. A sizeable number of students in the UK also take the A level exams. I hope they can also benefit from this blog.

Welcome to alevelchem.blogspot.com and all the best for your A level exams

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